For Authors

The journal publishes articles from the fields of medicine, health and environment. The journal therefore welcomes article submissions that meet the criteria of excellence, significance and contribution of new information to the scholarly world.
The journal is open for submission of two types of articles:

    1. Individual or joint papers written by non-students (lecturers, researchers, etc)
    2. Articles written jointly by students and their supervisors or lecturers. In this case the student is the first author while the lecturer/supervisor is the second author. This is to ensure quality and avoid the submission of mere summaries of the dissertations or theses. In this regard then lecturers who are supervising students are encouraged to co-submit with the students they supervise. Conversely postgraduate students are encouraged to approach their supervisors, or any other lecturer, for help in working on their paper before submitting.
    3. See the author guidelines before submitting your manuscript.

Journal publication schedule:

The average number of weeks it takes for an article to go through the editorial review process for this journal is seven weeks, including standard publications and desk rejects. There are five key steps:

  1. Preliminary checked and assignment: From manuscript submission to the initial decision on the article, it takes at least three days. During that period, the manuscript is submitted to preliminary checks and adjustments prior to being assigned to two independent reviewers.
  2. Peer Review: During a minimum of two weeks and three days, the reviewers verify the paper and recommends actions for improvement of the manuscript
  3. Revisions: Upon completion of their review, the reviewers pass the manuscript to the editorial team who will have three weeks to forward it to the authors for revisions and re-forward it to Reviewers for their consent or rejection
  4. Final editorial decision: The editorial team decides within three days upon on the publication or rejection of the article for takes the final decision
  5. Printing and posting: The manuscript is finally submitted for lay-out and printing prior to being published.