Design of a four storey building office in Huye District of Rwanda

Office administration is a set of day-to-day activities that are related to financial planning, record keeping & billing and confidentiality with those of communicating, is the central dilemma of office design. The architectural design helps the owner of the building to determine the total cost of building by showing the plan view, bill of quantities and cost estimation of the building before the execution. Huye district office is one of the district offices that make up the Southern province and is located in Huye district, Ngoma sector, Butare cell, Karubanda village. It has small and old office building compared to the number of staffs who are known not working in a comfortably setting. From that fact the researcher came up with an idea of making a project of designing and quantify a new building in a way of resolving the identified problem.
Architectural design, quantity and cost estimation of four storied for Huye district’s office is the purpose of this study. Is supposed to have forty-seven offices rooms, conference hall, video room, restaurant, and thirty-six water closets for whole building, which can serve simultaneously. New Huye district’s office building must be esthetically, well designed and be comfortable in order to accommodate the whole users (staff members and visitors). This has done by conducting site survey to collect the plot data by using the GPS and other software related for collecting all information required, concerning with the site. In this project, different activities helped to achieve project objectives like survey, design of floor plans and provision of details using design software (ArchiCAD and Artlantis); bill of quantity and cost estimate, drawing, and photos which will help everyone who is able to implement this project guided by design standards and principles were taken into account, to meet acceptable level of service regarding the offices building, its components are standardized and sized enough. The total cost estimated to accomplish the works of whole project, (combined building and external works) is one billion, ten-million, eight hundred forty-seven thousand and eight hundred eighty-one Rwandan franc. (1,010,847,881Rwf).

Keywords: design standards, office building, Storey, quantity estimation

Author: Iyamuremye Pacifique

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© 2021 The Author(s). Published in RUFSO Journal Article,Volume 22