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Design and analysis of automatic basketball score counter using arduino in Rwanda


The automatic basketball score counter is the system implemented to count the basketball goals when a team score a goal. This is achieved by using push buttons, Arduino and 7 segments display. When a team score a goal and referee accept it by pushing on up push button, Arduino send the command to the 7 segment and it counts one goal. As you continue to push that push button the 7 segment will add one goal to the goals of scored team. When scored goal create confusion and referee decide to refuse it by pushing on down push button, the 7 segment will remove one goal to the goals of a team. This study carried out in Kigali city of Rwanda intended to the design of the automatic basketball score counter machine using arduino in order to prevent the conflict between the two team and to reduce the time. The objective was to design the basketball score counter which will operate automatically. The findings have shown that the best alternative is to use the Arduino as a command. The project work concludes that if the automatic basketball score counter was used in national basketball competition and help for reducing misunderstanding about goal counting.

Key words: automatic counter, arduino, push button, segment

Author: BIMENYIMANA Emmanuel

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