The aim of this research is formulating the motif pattern of dress which can be extended into various sizes basic dress in which the motif is sanggit patterned. This employed action-participatory research to test the draft pattern by actively involved the batik entrepreneurs, motif designers and tailors. The data were collected through the techniques of observation, interviews, FGDs and document analysis. The result produces a pattern of brock pattern rectangular dress motif, 115 cm width and 250 cm length, divided into 12 symmetrical objects of vertical axis. The pattern works to develop the motifs, which can be made into a basic block batik dress of various sizes (S, M, L, XL and XXL). It is quite effective and efficient to develop random batik asymmetrical motifs and the resulting motif can meet sanggit at the front dress or zip, the left, right sides, sleeve and specific motifs on darts and neck line.
Key words: patterns; motifs; basic dress; batik; sanggit.
Author: MUHIRE Mohammed
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