RUFSO JSSE Volume :22

Study and design of solar powered economical groundnut decorticating and separating machine in Eastern province of Rwanda

Abstract World is mostly concentrating on new inventions and running with updated technology. Farmers are back bone for every country in the world. Without farmer’s livelihood is difficult. Groundnuts is grown on a small scale by farmer. The major problem in groundnut production in country like Rwanda is the lack of groundnut processing machines available …

Study and design of solar powered economical groundnut decorticating and separating machine in Eastern province of Rwanda Read More »

Design of Mini Hydro/PV Hybrid Power Plant and Storage in Rwanda

Abstract Nowadays the use of generating systems, which uses a renewable energy sources, has experienced a fast development. Moreover, their intrinsic intermittent nature can be overcome using hybrid systems which combine more energy sources. This project proposes the design of a hybrid generation system and energy storage purpose which will be able to cover the …

Design of Mini Hydro/PV Hybrid Power Plant and Storage in Rwanda Read More »

Design and Implementation of a Police Alert Siren Case Study in Kigali City-Rwanda.

As technology stills increasing all over the world, the researcher thought of how to implement something which may be useful in needed instead of going on foreign markets to buy it; that is a siren which may act or sound like a police siren with a sound very similar to it. This study measures the …

Design and Implementation of a Police Alert Siren Case Study in Kigali City-Rwanda. Read More »

Design of Solar Powered Air Conditioner in Rwanda

The development of renewable energy is one of the goals of our country, to reduce the environmental impacts caused by the increasing demand of energy in all sectors of modern life. Air-conditioning is one of the major consumers of electrical energy in many parts of the world today. Air-conditioning systems in use are most often …

Design of Solar Powered Air Conditioner in Rwanda Read More »

Design of a four storey building office in Huye District of Rwanda

Office administration is a set of day-to-day activities that are related to financial planning, record keeping & billing and confidentiality with those of communicating, is the central dilemma of office design. The architectural design helps the owner of the building to determine the total cost of building by showing the plan view, bill of quantities …

Design of a four storey building office in Huye District of Rwanda Read More »

The Impact of Digital Technologies on Globalization

Abstract This paper examines how globalization influences the adoption of digital technologies. The purpose of the paper is to explain how globalization affects new technology adoptions. We use country-level data from the globalization index (KOF), digital adoption index (DAI), global competitiveness index (GDI), and total factor productivity (TFP) on almost countries from 5 continents and using advanced …

The Impact of Digital Technologies on Globalization Read More »

The Contribution of Social Media on Business Promotion an Evidence of Whatsapp

Abstract Over the years, social media advertising has taken over the landscape of advertising. The increasing rate of adoption and usage of WhatsApp and Instagram social media is apparent amongst users. However, knowledge of the relevance and level of usage of these platforms WhatsApp and Instagram in advertising goods and services is minimally rich. Thus, …

The Contribution of Social Media on Business Promotion an Evidence of Whatsapp Read More »

Formuler Des Strategies Pour Le Relevement D’un Secteur De La Sante En Crise

Il est fréquent que les catastrophes et les situations d’urgence aient des répercussions disproportionnées sur le système de santé d’un pays[1] et sur la santé générale des femmes, des hommes, des filles et des garçons. Des catastrophes peuvent avoir pour effet de paralyser les établissements de santé (par la destruction d’infrastructures ou la coupure d’approvisionnements …

Formuler Des Strategies Pour Le Relevement D’un Secteur De La Sante En Crise Read More »

Discuter Des Approches Pipo, Ffom, Marp Et Sepo Dans La Planification Des Projets De Developpement

Un projet est un processus unique qui consiste en un ensemble d’activités coordonnées et maîtrisées, comportant des dates de début et de fin, entrepris dans le but d’atteindre un objectif conforme à des exigences spécifiques. Dans le souci d’aplanir les difficultés auxquelles rencontrent les projets de développement, il est souhaitable de recourir à des approches …

Discuter Des Approches Pipo, Ffom, Marp Et Sepo Dans La Planification Des Projets De Developpement Read More »

Regulation De La Reponse Innee Par L’il-15contre Les Pathogenes

L’interleukine-15 (IL-15) est une cytokine pléiotrope qui régule la prolifération, la survie et les activités de sécrétion de nombreux types de cellules distincts dans le corps. Cette cytokine est produite par des macrophages et de nombreux autres types de cellules en réponse à des agents infectieux ; il contrôle la croissance et la différenciation des …

Regulation De La Reponse Innee Par L’il-15contre Les Pathogenes Read More »