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Design of Mini Hydro/PV Hybrid Power Plant and Storage in Rwanda


Nowadays the use of generating systems, which uses a renewable energy sources, has experienced a fast development. Moreover, their intrinsic intermittent nature can be overcome using hybrid systems which combine more energy sources. This project proposes the design of a hybrid generation system and energy storage purpose which will be able to cover the energy needs. The system is going to be developed around MPENGE River at Musanze district in North province of Rwanda to obtain optimal result by combining the advantages of both energy conversion systems. The hydro power works as a dominant part in this hybrid system to generate 300KW. However, PV-system works to compensate the inconvenience found in the hydro power to generate 100W and also after generating this energy it is used to store it in batteries after rectifying that one from mini-hydro power before being stored. Indeed, this mini hydro/PV power plant will be able to generate a 400 Kilowatts per day. At the end this system will be connected to national Grid and when there is a reduction of power due to any problem occurs in national power system, this MH-PV should be connected so that it compensates that power. Thus, the hybrid of Mini-hydro/PV
and their storages projects have a number of benefits over other sources of power generation where they save a large amount of money on the cost of buying diesels compared to diesel generators with a continuous supply of electricity and easy and cheap maintenance. Therefore, an emphasize should be made by providing facilities to investors in this energy field to improve and to increase the accessibility of Mini hydro/PV power plants and storages to all different areas where they can be applicable.

Keywords: Hydropower, 300KW, PV system, 100KW

Author: Roger Aime SITANGA

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© 2021 The Author(s). Published in RUFSO Journal Article,Volume 22