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European Employment Laws on Health and Safety

The need for continuous improvement of the working environment makes the use of law even more important in order to control the implementations and operations of an organisation. Managers should have the knowledge and skills to inform their employees about chances in the global and local market and drive them to the right way in order to achieve the targets of an organisation.

The aim of this article is to present the important role of a healthy and safe working environment for employees. It presents implementations of health and safety in the education sector and explains regulations and strategic decisions of managers.

The role of the European Union and The Lisbon Treaty, gave new legislative powers to the European Parliament and put it on an equal footing with the Council of Ministers in deciding on EU actions and expenditure, which can affect the way organizations in the European Union are operating, behave and implement managerial decisions.

Keywords: Health and Safety, Employment Law, European Union, Human Resources, Business Law

Author: Eleftherios M. Colocassides

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© 2021 The Author(s). Published in RUFSO Journal Article,Volume 25


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