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The role of community radios on business promotion


Community radio is a medium of expressing and sharing views, thoughts, ideas, problems and prospects of rural, disadvantaged, vulnerable and hard to reach population with the mainstream population. As the media of root level people of the disadvantaged areas, Community radio has become popular in recent years and it has opened a new arena for both the policy makers as well as grassroots people to be involved in the development process of their community. The Community Radio can help us in addressing social, economic, cultural, educational, health, water and sanitation and disaster related issues more effectively and strategically. In order to highlight the importance and effectiveness of community radio for the community development, this study has been conducted based on the secondary data. This group effort has become successful by the co-operation of many individuals and institutions. As this is a new concept, there is no significant study has been conducted. Therefore the study has been directed to explore the importance of community FM radio in particularly in remote and rural areas in business promotion.

Key words: Community radio, Community Development, Business, Promotion.

Author: Nizeyimana Jean Baptiste

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© 2021 The Author(s). Published in RUFSO Journal Article,Volume 25